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Springtime and Rashes. How to Enjoy the Sun Without the Rash

Springtime is in the air, so days will be getting longer, keeping us out in the sun. In addition to more UV exposure that can make existing skin issues worse or create new ones, more sun brings allergens that irritate the skin. Read on to learn how you can enjoy the spring weather with less worry!

Spring Rashes

Healthy skin provides a barrier between the outside environment and the inside of your body, and an itchy rash is often caused by contact with an allergen or a substance that irritates your skin. Even though sunscreen should be worn throughout the year, we’re more likely to apply it when we’re out enjoying the sun. Some people’s skin is sensitive to one or another active ingredient in UV blocking products, so check in with a dermatologist if you’re experiencing a rash after using a sunscreen more frequently than in the winter. They can help you find a product that works best for your skin type.

Being in nature and around other people might expose us to plants like poison ivy or poison oak. When you come in contact with these kinds of plants, immediately rinse your skin to get the irritating oils off. Calamine lotion is particularly helpful at relieving the itching caused by poison ivy. And if you have a very mild rash, then hydrocortisone cream is another excellent option to consider. You can purchase both of these creams at your local pharmacy, but it’s a good idea to talk to your dermatologist to find out what they recommend before using either one.

Rashes can also be caused by bacterial, yeast, or viral infections, which are often spread by close contact with others, like when we’re participating in sports. Another type of rash that comes from outdoor activity is heat rash. Heat rash occurs when a lot of sweat is on the skin and becomes trapped underneath, clogging pores and blocking the sweat glands. To best avoid infections from social interactions and heat rashes, be sure to wear loose, breathable clothing, avoid too intense exercise in hot weather, maintain clean skin, and reduce skin-to-skin contact.

Taking Precaution with Fluids

Dehydration is the cause of many problems and can become a serious danger when we’re in the sun too long without enough water. Skin needs to remain moisturized, and the best way to stay hydrated is to drink plenty of fluids. When it comes to rash prevention, drinking plenty of water helps the body remain cool. When dealing with dehydration, excessive sweating, or heat rash, water may alleviate symptoms like pain, itching, and inflammation and keep our immune systems operating at high performance.

What Can A Dermatologist Do for You?

There are many ways that springtime weather brings potential irritants to our skin. Knowing how best to prepare for spending more time outside can help prevent rash breakouts. When rashes occur despite our best intentions, receiving the correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment is critical to improving and preventing recurrences. Schedule an appointment today for one of our dermatologists to help you with seasonal skincare!

Healthy Skin Starts With Us