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You Can Treat Acne Without Scarring: Here’s How

Acne scarring can plague people from adolescence all the way through adulthood. Fortunately, many strides have been made for acne treatment that make it possible to prevent and help eradicate scarring.

Types of Acne Scars

Before we dive into acne treatments, it’s important to understand the type of scarring that can occur if acne is not treated properly. The deeper or more severe the breakout, the more likely it is to leave a scar if irritated. Here are a few different kinds of acne scars to look out for:

Ice Pick Scars: These scars are typically narrow and deep, though not very long. As a result, they can cause someone’s skin to look pitted.

Boxcar Scars: Boxcar scars are much more shallow than ice pick scars, but they’re also much broader. In addition, they have sharply defined edges.

Rolling Scars: This type of scar typically takes the form of a broad, sloping depression in the skin. There aren’t any sharp defining edges here, either.

Topical Treatments

There are numerous topical acne treatments out there that help prevent scarring. This is done primarily by preventing pore and hair follicle congestion and reducing inflammation in the skin. One of the most commonly used and best acne treatments comes in the form of a topical cream containing salicylic acid or azelaic acid. These two acids are typically effective at preventing pore congestion and eliminating certain acne-causing bacteria.

Another topical treatment may come in the form of an antibiotic cream. These creams are designed to kill bacteria and eliminate inflammation in the skin, thus helping prevent and minimize acne flare-ups.

Oral Treatments

If a topical treatment isn’t right for you, it may be worth trying an orally-administered treatment. One of the most common oral treatments is birth control for acne. In many cases, hormonal imbalances can contribute to acne flare-ups. Hormonal birth control can help balance out hormones and keep skin clear from the inside out. This option is particularly useful for people who menstruate and suffer from acne.

In addition, antibiotics can be taken orally as an acne medication. As with birth control, orally-administered antibiotics help fight the issue of acne from the inside out.

Light Therapies

Countless people have wondered how to get rid of acne, but it’s unlikely that they’ve all considered light therapy as an option. In reality, light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that won’t even leave a trace on your skin. Red and blue light therapy, in particular, have been used to treat acne in recent years. These therapies work primarily through killing a certain type of bacteria that lives on the surface of the skin and contributes to acne breakouts. These therapies are relatively new in comparison to topical and oral treatments, so it’s important to consult with your dermatologist prior to considering them.

Of course, it’s important to remember that the best way to prevent acne scarring is to avoid irritating any inflamed skin. If you’re looking for acne treatments that don’t cause scarring and you have questions, don’t hesitate to set up an appointment with our team at SE Dermatology Specialists today.

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