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What You Can Do About Winter Dermatitis/Eczema Flare Up

Eczema can be annoying at best and debilitating at worst. So what can you do to combat a winter eczema flare up? Here are a few treatments that may help.

Skip Scalding Baths and Showers

While it’s always best to work with your dermatologist on an eczema treatment plan, every treatment plan involves taking action at home, as well. You may need to change up your routine a little bit or forego things that you once enjoyed, like hot showers or baths, but these actions will likely help relieve your eczema symptoms. While a steaming hot shower might feel nice after a long day, it’s not going to help your eczema at all. In fact, the hot water stripping away your skin’s natural oils is likely only going to make your eczema symptoms worse. If you soak for too long in water that’s too hot, you’re going to exacerbate your skin condition. When you’re experiencing a flare up, keep your showers a few degrees cooler and try to get in and out as fast as possible!

Invest in a Prescription Eczema Cream

There are a variety of eczema creams you may be able to purchase over the counter, but at the end of the day, your best bet is to work closely with your dermatologist to determine exactly what your skin needs to retain moisture and heal. If that ends up being a prescription-level eczema cream for your skin, then it’s definitely a good investment. The key is to be honest with your dermatologist about your symptoms and be open to trying a new eczema treatment for your flare ups.

Use a Humidifier

The air outside is already pretty dry during the winter, and using forced air to heat your home is only making the indoor air drier, as well. When the air around your skin is dry, it becomes even more difficult for your skin to absorb and retain moisture. Fortunately, a good humidifier can help add some moisture back into the air in your home. When you’re suffering from an eczema rash, that moisture is much-needed. In combination with a good eczema cream, a humidifier that’s strategically placed where you spend the most time can help you find some relief from your flare up.

Use Corticosteroids

Topical corticosteroid creams and ointments are typically prescribed by a dermatologist to help treat eczema flare ups. These anti-inflammatory treatments are applied directly to the skin and can typically help alleviate the majority of eczema symptoms. But if topical treatments aren’t an option, there are systemic corticosteroids that can help alleviate eczema flare ups. This is typically a more direct approach to eczema treatment since these corticosteroids are administered orally or via injection. In cases where a patient is experiencing a severe flare up, systemic treatments may be more effective and take less time to alleviate symptoms.

Suffering through an eczema flare up during the winter months can feel torturous. If you have questions about how to prevent flare ups or how to best treat your eczema, set up an appointment with SE Dermatology Specialists today.

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